It is an easy-to-use and portable tool designed for professionals and patients that allows the treatment of muscle contractures and muscle pain associated with repeated movements. Its innovation lies in a design that offers versatility to be used in different areas of the body and for different types of applications, thanks to its
3 treatment zones .
3 uses depending on your need
Muscle Contractures - Muscle Massage - Spinal Flexibility
Its applications are multiple, but it stands out for its specificity in performing compression on muscle contractures, its application for massages and its use as a wedge to mobilize segments of the spinal column.
Physiotherapy + Engineering
Embora de aparência simples, 3TOOL é uma ferramenta polivalente e intuitiva de usar que resultou de três anos de pesquisa e paixão por fisioterapeutas da Valdespartera Fisioterapia Clínica em colaboração com engenheiros do grupo de pesquisa HOWLab da Universidade de Zaragoza e fisioterapeutas do Grupo de Pesquisa iPhysio em San Jorge University, todos eles em Zaragoza, Espanha.